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The Benefits of Textured Digital Labels

Labels are always changing and the label products we offer keep up with this demand for new ideas and innovations. Our customers change up their labels, even just a little, to keep their product relevant and fresh, and when they are launching a new brand or product they want a new look. That new look can also be a new tactile experience. Research has shown that if a label can appeal to more than one sense, the impact increases by 30%. Products that are taken off the shelf for a closer look have a better chance of being purchased.

With the advent of digitally printed textured labels, the sense of touch is engaged along with the visual sense. A product with a tactile presence on the label will garner more appeal and be taken off the shelf a great deal more than non-tactile labelled products. The process of printing tactile designs onto a label make it more affordable than before. The digital printing process has opened up a whole new world for product manufacturers and label printing services alike. It is an economically-wise choice as there is no need to invest in costly material – the textured label can now be produced with a varnish, removing the need for textured material to be purchased.

We offer many services and textured labels is just one of them. Marketers are finding short, targeted print runs to be quite effective, particularly if they allow for personalisation. For short to medium runs, this approach can be very cost effective. It can also get a product to market more quickly, because you don’t have to wait for the dies to be made. The world of product marketing is always changing. There are so many competitors for many products and, sometimes, it comes down to how the product is labelled and displayed in a store. It is said that consumers take an average of 6 seconds to choose a product – not very much time – and, usually, it is the visual aspect of the label that makes or breaks the sale. Having a product that a consumer is wanting to take off the shelf and look at and feel the label is taking your product one step closer to a purchase. Next time you’re creating a new look for your label, consider a textured one and you won’t be disappointed in the results.